Woods of Tabb Homes Association
Our homeowners' association is committed to keeping the neighborhood beautiful, your home at top value, and our finances sustainable. We always welcome residents’ comments or concerns. Monthly meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month.
For the foreseeable future, Board meetings will be held via Zoom. Please send a request via the Contact Us form below by NOON on the day of the meeting if you would like to attend so we can send you the meeting invitation.
HOA Mailing Address
The Woods of Tabb Homes Association
PO Box 2186
Poquoson, VA 23662
2024 Board Members:
Jim Kirby - President
Email: WoTHA President
Robert "Bob" Keefer - Vice-President
Email: WoTHA Vice President
Michael Tracy - Treasurer
Email: WoTHATreasurer@yahoo.com
Leonora Reiley - Secretary
Email: WoTHASecretary@gmail.com
Kristin McManus - Member-At-Large
Email: kmcmanus2123@yahoo.com
Michael Toomey - Member-At-Large
Email: mjtoomey422@gmail.com
Committee Members:
Newsletter - David Pine
Email: dpine2222@gmail.com
Beautification - Jim Kirby
Email: james.e.kirby@outlook.com
Welcoming - Marianne Gustafson
Email: mgus74@gmail.com
Events - Donna Victorio
Email: WOTevents123@gmail.com
Grounds - Robert Keefer
Email: keeferrw@verizon.net
Lakes - Jim Kirby
Email: james.e.kirby@outlook.com
Website - Tari Weber
Email: tariw@verizon.net
Block Captains:
Champions Path 100-220 - Shirley Brown (101)
Champions Path 300-403 - Marley Keefer (315)
Chris Slade 101-119 - Gisela Harmatz (107)
Coach Hovis 100-204 - Jennie Case (107)
Coach Hovis 205-308 - Sue Generazio (304)
Coach Hovis 310-410 - Lisa Barnum (404)
Kubesh Court 101-105 - Debbie Oakley (310 WW)
Melvins End 101-116 - Melody Haakenson (111)
Mitchell's Method 102-106 - Audra Simsic (102)
Terry's Run 101-212 - Maribel Berrios (107)
Julianne Constantino (108)
Treis Trail 100-312 - Barb Conley (202)
Walton's Approach 101-111 - Bonnie Woltman (105)
Willards Way 101-115 - Kurt Schueler (113)
Willards Way 200-208 - Debbie Oakley (310)
Willards Way 300-412 - Tari Weber (307)
Zanca Turn 100-120 - Robyn Overbey (115)